Ethiopian Welo opal 6,17 ct. Broadflash/Chaff, Flagstone pattern

245$ US
Product Code: EO-0210.6.17
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 6.17ct.
Dimensions (LxWxH): 17.23mm x 13.91mm x 5.82mm

Nice and Bright Ethiopian Welo opal - 6,17ct cabochon with crystal body, bright colors and Broadflash/Chaff, Flagstone pattern. Clean. Good colors.

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Mineral type - Natural opal
Weight - 6,17ct.
Body - Crystal - (transparent)
Body color - 9
Color/Brightness - 5/5
Pattern - Broadflash/Chaff, Flagstone
Dimensions - 17,23x13,91x5,82 mm
Shape - Oval (Medium dome)
Origin -Welo mine,  Ethiopia
Treatment - No (Untreated)
Hardness - 6 (on Mohs scale)

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